Friday, January 25, 2013

Media Round-table on Environment and Development ... - Africa News

NAIROBI, Kenya, January 24, 2013/African Press Organization (APO)/ -- At the UNEP Governing Council / Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC/GMEF)

Nairobi - Kenya, from 17 to 22 February 2013


The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is organizing an International Media Round-table in the lead up to the convening of the 27th session of UNEP's Governing Council / Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC/GMEF) held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 16 to 22 February 2013.

The GC/GMEF 27th session follows a landmark decision by the UN General Assembly last December to strengthen and upgrade UNEP and establish universal membership of its governing body. Over 200 ministers of environment, as well as hundreds of scientists, economists, policy makers, civil society and business leaders are expected to participate

The Media Round-table will enable direct interaction between journalists, experts, policy makers and multiple stakeholders on issues that make up the world's environmental agenda.

The Round-table is made up of several 45-minute interactive sessions, each lead by a multi-stakeholder panel of international experts providing full access to the latest science and policy information on current and emerging issues.

? How to participate ?

To register, please fill the attached form and send it to :

? Key issues to be covered include:

- Climate change - IPCC Briefing ahead of the launch of the 2013 report

Experts from the IPCC will provide a briefing to journalists ahead of the launch of the 2013 report, delivering the latest and most authoritative science on climate change.

- Environmental Crime: from poaching to illegal logging

Environmental crime can affect a nation's economy, security and its very existence. A significant proportion of wildlife and environmental crimes are carried out by organized criminal networks, drawn by the low risk and high profit nature of these types of crime. The same routes used to smuggle wildlife across countries and continents are often used to smuggle weapons, drugs and people.UNEP is working with governments, international agencies and the Interpol to find solutions for what has become a major threat to international security and environmental sustainability. A panel of experts representing CITES, wildlife experts, authorities from range states, law enforcers and market regulators will address the issue during a special session followed by an open forum and Q&A.

-Sound chemicals management : Focus on endocrine disrupters

Endocrine disrupters (EDCs) are chemical pollutants that can disrupt the hormonal system.Endocrine related diseases and disorders are on the rise, inbclduing genital malformations, adverse pregnancy outcomes, endocrine related cancers and low semen quality. UNEP and WHO will share the latest scientific information on the impacts of exposure to EDC's on health, wildlife populations and the environment

- The new economics of forests and REDD +

Forests have multiple benefits beyond

carbon sequestration. These include water, forest-based products, tourism, community development, biodiversity. UNEP has partnered with governments and international organizations to deliver on building the capacity of countries to draw multiple benefits from reducing deforestation and to identify the interventions that add value to the economy, increase revenue, and provide new livelihood opportunities while conserving forests and reducing emissions. Working with national counterparts UNEP will demonstrate the potential of forest sector investments, institutional changes and targeted tools to contribute to both development and climate mitigation goals.

- Poverty and the environment : Lessons from Africa

UNEP works with UN partners and governments to support country-led efforts to mainstream poverty-environment linkages into national development planning in a way that improves livelihoods and leads to sustainable growth. The workshop will explore lessons learnt from projects implemented in

Botswana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Malawi and Mali among others.

Other issues on the table:

- Global action towards the sustainable management of production and consumption patterns

- Reducing black carbon, methane and other short-lived climate pollutants

- The global management of mercury: From policy to action

- Rio+20: From outcome to implementation


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