Friday, February 17, 2012

Hr Professional | NY Essay

The Importance of Human Resources Practices in Start Ups and Established Firms
By: Jenny Gravitt
Human Resources (HR) is an essential component of successful start ups and businesses. HR practices have the capacity to align with business objectives and to positively impact employee satisfaction and, ultimately, their work capacity. The article, ?The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity and Corporate Financial Performance? states, ?An increasing body of work contains the argument that the use of High Performance Work Practices, including comprehensive employee recruitment and selection procedures, incentive compensation and performance management systems, and extensive employee involvement and training, can improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of a firm?s current and potential employees, increase their motivation, reduce shirking and enhance retention of quality employees?? (Huselid, 1995, p . 104) It can be concluded from this statement that

appropriate HR practices do have positive effects, such as increased knowledge, skills and abilities that would lead to increased productivity.

Additionally, HR has the capacity to augment the overall company performance. The last quote demonstrates how HR practices contribute to increased employee performance and, as a result, how proper HR practices can also lead to increased business and financial performance. Companies are always looking to take advantage of the latest innovations in technology and by implementing strategic HR from the beginning, start ups can gain a competitive edge through small business innovation. The article by Husselid states, ?In both this largely theoretical literature and the emerging conventional wisdom among human resource professionals there is a growing consensus that organizational human resource policies can, if properly configured, provide a direct and economically significant contribution to firm performance.? (Huselid, 1995, p. 104) While?


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