Three kids in high school want more then they have, but are they willing to sacrifice lives for it? When they have the chance from an evil demon, all they need to pay in return is a human body. Will they go as far as murder to keep their desires?
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Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Dangerous Deals?. Anything posted here will also show up there.
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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Dangerous Deals
What would you do for popularity? For beauty? Everything you could ever want...?
And how far would you go to keep those Desires...?
Redwood High School is just like any other high school. Filled with harsh bullies, uncaring teachers, and all the cliques. The poor and the rich attend there, the ugly and the beautiful... judgment swims everywhere, and most of the kids there have the lost the hope of ever being on a pedestal, of being noticed by the others, of becoming that one kid who was remembered for being rich or being known, for being so pretty or so handsome. Once in a lifetime does the chance come to any teenager across the world, and now, three lowly kids are given that chance.
No one expected to find a demon residing in an old mansion that suddenly seemed to come to life. No one expected this demon to grant wishes, and give anyone whatever they wanted. And certainly, no one expected to ever have to pay for their desires... in blood.
Now, three kids have what they want. One is the most known kid in school, another is the most beautiful thing anyone could lay eyes on and the last has all the money they need to become the center of attention. But this demon expects blood, and will keep his contract binded until he gets when he wants. And the worst part is, these kids have no idea how far deep they are getting themselves into. If they can't pay up by certain deadlines, they become servants to this demon's whim forever. And the deadlines are becoming shorter and shorter as time passes.
Are these kids willing to take more and more lives just for the sake of their greediness, or will they sacrifice themselves and stop murdering others to pay for their own mistakes?
Characters: Taken and Available
The Demon: Reserved for Pie c:
The Teenagers:
#1 Teenager: Reserved [Female]
Desire: Beauty and Attention
#2 Teeanger: Open [Male]
Desire: Money and Attention
#3 Teenager: Open [Male or Female]
Desire: Popularity and Attention
Victims of murder will be NPC played by the four roleplayers of the group.
Character Sheets;
- Code: Select all
[b]Basic Information;[/b][size=150]"Your character's favorite or personal quote here."[/size]
[b]Name:[/b] First and last
[b]Age:[/b] Teenagers must be between 16-18.
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian, Asian, ect.
[b]Role:[/b] Are you a teenager?
[b]Orientation:[/b] Bisexual? Gay?
[b]Status:[/b] Do you have a companion?
[b]Best Feature:[/b] What makes them so special?
A picture here. Anime or real, though I prefer good drawings or real life. Need help finding one? Come to me.
A paragraph describing your character. Include hair color, skin color, eye color, height, weight, body build, fashion sense, makeup use, ect. Must be at LEAST 5 sentences long. I am more likely to accept your character sheet if it has quite a bit of detail.
[b]Personality; [/b]
Describe your character's personality here. Include how they usually are, what they act like when they are sad or angry, include things they enjoy doing and things that irritate them, all that stuff. Everything about them is important. This paragraph must be at least 6 lines in order to be accepted.
[b]Likes;[/b] At least 5
[b]Dislikes;[/b] At least 5
[b]Hobbies;[/b] At least 5
Here, type a summary of your character's past. A childhood event, some events that make them who they are, anything that stands out and gives more insight on their back story. This must be at least 6 lines.
If you have anything you want to add, here would be where to put it. Theme song, ect.
Last edited by DarlingRapture on Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

DarlingRapture - Member for 0 years
Hallow. I found it :3 And I luff it :3

pieluver - Member for 2 years
Yupper, Crystal clear :D I'll start a character tomorrow, I've already got an idea pinned down :3 It shall be lovely.

pieluver - Member for 2 years
Lovely, lovely, lovely! :D You always make outstanding characters.

DarlingRapture - Member for 0 years
If you have trouble finding a Male later, send me a PM!

ArhaHitomi888 - Member for 1 years
Aww, you so sweet, cupcake :3
-legasp- Arha! I know you! James stabbed Vincent's eye out and Vinnie retaliated and cut off James tongue like...forever ago! back in 5ive... good times... XD I missed you :D

pieluver - Member for 2 years
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